Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Who is Joseph Smith and why is he so important to the LDS Church?

Joseph Smith Jr was a boy in the 1820’s. His parents were merchants and farmers, and they lived in upstate New York, and his family were split between two different Churches. Some were Presbyterian and others were Methodist. A firm believer in The Bible, Smith struggled to understand which Church was the true Church of the Lord, and after reading James 1-5 (If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him) knew that the only way he would know which was the true Church, was to ask the Lord in prayer. Smith went into the woods behind his house, found a quiet area, and prayed for guidance.

Smith experienced something far greater than he could have ever imagined. Whilst praying, he became aware of a pillar of light, which slowly descended from between the trees, and then descended upon him.

From Joseph’s Smith’s own account:

When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other – This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!

Smith states that he never believed all the Christian denominations were wrong as such, just that they had a distorted or altered version of the truth. Therefore, he went to ask which sect was right, rather than which was wrong. The instruction given to him was that none of the Churches were right, and that he must not join any of them.

Despite only being 14/15, Smith was actively persecuted by the preachers of other Churches. They claimed he was deceived by the devil and was not of sound mind. Despite the majority of the community turning on him, Joseph Smith remained steadfast in his account of what had happened.

A couple of years later, Joseph was visited by an Angel. The Angel said his name is Moroni, and that Smith was required to retrieve a book of great importance. The Book would be written in ancient script, but that a breastplate and seer stones (called Urim and Thummin) would assist Smith in being able to decipher the text.

Joseph headed to the place where the messenger had told him the Book was kept (inscribed on plates), but when Smith found it and tried to remove the plates and the equipment, he was contacted by the messenger to tell him that the time was not yet right. It took Smith 4 years before he was finally admitted to remove the plates for translating. The community had heard of his efforts, and had also heard the plates were very precious. Smith was often having to hide and work in secret to keep the plates from being stolen. Eventually, the harassment became too much to bear, and Smith with his wife Emma, moved to Pennsylvania. Smith’s friend Martin Harris had copied some of the characters from the plates and had them verified by a literary scholar as accurate of the period (Egyptian, Assyriac and Arabic characters from many years B.C), and an accurate translation of them. When the scholar found that the translation was regarding a book of The Lord, he suddenly refused to cooperate further.

Smith went on to translate the Book Of Mormon, and found the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. He is considered by the members of the Church to be the man chosen to restore the Lord’s Church to the Earth. He is seen as the first modern-day prophet of God, an authority which has passed down through the years to today, where we have a living prophet of the Lord by the name of Thomas S. Monson. He is not worshipped, nor idolised, but directs the Church and helps spread the word of God.

Unfortunately, Smith and his Church were persecuted and harassed throughout their attempts to settle. They were forced from town to town, state to state, and eventually settled in the Utah Salt Lake Valley. Sadly, Joseph Smith never got to see the city flourish, as he was murdered by a mob in Carthage Jail, Illinois in 1844, along with his brother, Hyrum.

Friday, 19 October 2012

The role of women in the LDS Church

Surprisingly, many non-Mormons seem to think that women in our Church are downtrodden, undervalued and exploited. I’m not altogether sure where this came from.

Either way, it’s certainly not the case. The Church needs all members to stand up and be counted, men, women, youth, everyone. Women in the Church cannot hold the Priesthood, but this is not due to worthiness or responsibility issues. Women have their own organisation called Relief Society.

Relief Society is the biggest and oldest organised group in the world, and the work undertaken by the ladies in Relief Society never fails to astound me. First off, anyone who needs it, is able to have meals made and delivered to them. Those who are unwell and struggle to cook for themselves, those who have just given birth and may need an extra helping hand, those who have regular care, but need a stop-gap to cover now and again. The Relief Society provides meals as one of its first service commitments.

They also arrange for transportation help. Whether people need help moving house, need help getting to/from Church and Church activities, need help getting to Hospital to see loved ones, or who simply need some help getting around from A to B, the Relief Society arrange all these things. I know in my Ward, that one of our members is disabled and is wheelchair-bound. The Relief Society arrange for someone to drop round his home 30minutes before Church, and help transport him to Church. Not only is this good for the member who gets to Church each week, but it’s good to socialise before and after, as the care home he lives in are always stretched for staff, and it’s a pleasure to help someone so grateful.

One of the commitments of the Relief Society that is most prominent, is Visiting Teaching. Members visit other members and they share a spiritual message, socialise, and assist in any way they can. This simple monthly contact is sometimes the lifeline for members who live alone, and may not have seen anyone for some considerable time. This provides both physical and emotional support to other women in the Ward, and in a more homely setting, may feel more comfortable sharing some issues they may be having, rather than speaking up at Church or such.

I am grateful for the service of the Relief Society in my Ward, Stake and throughout the world. I am also immensely impressed with the speed and efficiency of the organisation to react to the needs of the people of our Church.

Women are deemed to be just as important to the Ward as men, and I certainly know that without the Relief Society, a great many people would be suffering more hardship than they are right now.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Mitt Romney and the LDS Church

Mitt Romney’s recent rise through the political ranks has brought a great deal of attention to the LDS Church. Since Romney is now in the running for the US Presidential Election, there are more people than ever trying to find out about our Church and it’s beliefs. Sadly, many are going to the wrong places, and are reading reports from bitter ex-members (who have usually been excommunicated), or false information fed by Romney’s political rivals.

Let’s get one thing clear here:

The LDS Church has no support for either political party. It has political neutrality, even if one of our members is in the running for the US Presidency. The Church has released a statement that read thus – “Principles compatible with the gospel are found in the platforms of all major political parties. While the Church does not endorse political candidates, platforms, or parties, members are urged to be full participants in political, governmental, and community affairs.”

The strangest thing is that many people are assuming that Romney’s faith is a reason to attack him. He is made the butt of jokes and has many critics who seem obsessed with his faith being a major part of his political campaign. Everyone seems to forget that the Church has members on both sides of the political battle. Harry Reid, a major advisor to the Obama administration is also a member of our Church, and there are numerous Democrat and Republican senators and representatives throughout the USA.

Put it this way, the LDS Church has no involvement in politics, but yet politics seem to insist on getting involved with the Church.

If Romney becomes President, then the Church won’t change. Nothing about it will be altered, because Romney doesn’t lead the Church. Jesus Christ does. The Saviour is the Captain of this ship, and whether one of our number becomes President or not, nothing will change in terms of what we believe and practice.

Most importantly, should Romney be successful in his attempt, then the American people will not be coerced into joining the Church, or forced to listen to our beliefs.

The bottom line is that the Church has no political allegiance, and as such, there are members on both sides. There are members of the LDS Church who are Democrat, Republican, Independent, and probably even some of are members of minority political parties. Just because one of the candidates for the Presidency is a member of the LDS Church, doesn’t mean anything will change. Obama is not forcing his religious beliefs on those who do not share them, so why do people believe that Romney would do the same?

Thursday, 26 July 2012

LDS Sacred Garments, or 'Magic Underwear'

Members of the LDS Church have several stages to their membership. Baptism is just the first, then Confirmation. For males, there is then the striving to become Priesthood holders (which is in two variants, the Aaronic and the Melchizedek Priesthood), and then there’s Initiatory and Endowment.

Part of the Endowment, is the beginning of wearing sacred garments. Members who have completed their Endowment, will wear these garments as part of a covenant they made in the Temple. It is no different from people of other faiths who wear turbans, or kippah/yarmulke as symbols of their particular beliefs. The only difference is that Mormons wear their sacred garments underneath their clothes.

We see them as sacred as they are an outward and physical symbol of an inward and spiritual commitment. Just as a Sikh wears their turban as an outward sign of an inward commitment, LDS garments are no different. We choose to wear these garments to both remind ourselves of our commitments and covenants we have made, and also to motivate us to continue to keep those covenants.

They are often mocked by people of other faiths or no particular faith as ‘magic underwear’, but this is merely a childish attempt at humiliation. They’re not magic, nor are they claimed to be so. They’re also accused of being ugly and uncomfortable by people who are again, not members of the LDS church. Again, this is nothing more than a tendency to make fun of what someone doesn’t understand. The only way someone WOULD understand what these garments mean to the wearer, would be to undertake their own Endowment, something which can take years to reach.

I am not about to describe the ordinances, the covenants, or the activities that take place in the Temple, but rest assured, that there is nothing sinister in the wearing of these garments.

Let’s face it, if the media and the anti-Mormon brigade didn’t bring them to the public’s attention for the sake of mockery, then you would never know that someone was wearing them, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. The choices and covenants that we have made are between the LDS member and God. They should not affect anyone else’s lives in any way, and so these garments are not for displaying, or for showing off. They are to be kept under the clothes, and respected by the wearer. They’re not a symbol of pride, nor of standing in the Church. They’re simply for the benefit of the wearer.

Despite this, there will always be those who wish to point and laugh at committed, faithful members of the LDS Church. Even in Lehi’s dream, he was jeered by others. Steadfastly holding to the Iron Rod, will always bring with it a certain amount of criticism and mockery. It is how you deal with such mockery that will be your making.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Word Of Wisdom

‘The Word Of Wisdom’ is what LDS members call their beliefs about addictive substances.

Mormons believe that the Lord has given us the ability to make our own choices, for good or bad. This is called ‘agency’. Obviously, those who make choices that hurt others, upset people, and make choices towards evil, rather than good, will be dealt with accordingly by God. This mortal life that we are living in, is simply a chance for us to prove that we are good souls, and given the unbiased choice, would naturally choose the option to help others, and to do good things, rather than evil.

The addictive substances take away that agency, as an addiction is something that isn’t a choice, but something you are compelled to do. Therefore Latter-Day Saints believe they should not:

·         Drink alcohol
·         Smoke tobacco or partake of any other nicotine substances
·         Partake of any narcotics of any kind
·         Partake of caffeine-based products (tea, coffee, etc) 

This can be difficult for members to keep rigid. Not only because those who were converted to the LDS Church may already have a taste for such products, and so giving them up is difficult, but that caffeine and alcohol are often ingredients and components to seemingly innocuous foods. Desserts often have liquors in them, and many foods are cooked with wine. Caffeine-free drinks are usually the order of the day at parties and gatherings, and the LDS Church must keep Schloer in business! Many denominations of Christianity will take their sacrament with wine, whilst Mormons take theirs with water to adhere to the Word Of Wisdom. 

However, what’s interesting is that all these things are known to be addictive, and also very harmful to the human body if consumed in addictive quantites. Nicotine, narcotics and alcohol are well known addictive substances, and all will kill you if you are addicted to them for any length of time, as your body is damaged by such items. 

The other intriguing part of this, is that Mormons have been following these practices for nearly 200 years (revelation was received in 1833), and yet up until the 1940’s and 50’s, it was assumed that smoking was good for you. Despite this, LDS members chose not to smoke. A quick look around Dublin shows advertising everywhere saying “Guinness is good for you!”, and yet again, LDS members chose not to drink alcohol. 

As for caffeine, it is considered that hot drinks with caffeine are far more harmful/addictive than cold drinks, and therefore cola and other carbonated drinks are not considered a violation of the Word Of Wisdom. However, many members choose to steer clear of these anyway, just to be sure! 

Many people find it odd that members of the LDS Church prohibit these things, but to me, it makes a lot of logical sense. Alcohol is addictive, and too much will kill you. Nicotine is addictive, and smoking kills you. Narcotics are addictive, and will kill you. It’s not rocket science to see that it would be wise to avoid these things.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Baptisms for the dead

Although it is common knowledge that Mormons baptise people who have long since died, using existing members as proxies, there’s not a lot of knowledge of why. Usually, there’s just outrage that it’s happening and therefore anger tends to cloud any further reasoning.

Do Mormons baptise dead people by proxy? So long as the person has been dead 100 years or more, or the closest living relative gives permission, then yes (there are further exceptions).
Does this make the dead person a registered Mormon? No.

Don’t think this means all your ancestors are now Mormon. It is taught in the LDS Church that when people die, if they have not been taught the Book Of Mormon, or of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, then they have a chance to do so in the afterlife. Mormons believe that there are different levels of the Heavenly Kingdom, and those who were never taught the Gospel, are not bad people by default. Therefore they are in a Heaven where they are resurrected and they exist, but do not enjoy the many blessings that those who have been taught the gospel, and followed the commandments, repented of their sins etc., will enjoy. If the dead person was a bad person, and committed crimes of which they had no remorse, hurt others and did not repent, and generally did evil things, then they tend to go downstairs where they have an appointment with a large pointy trident.

This doesn’t mean the non-educated miss out though. When Mormons baptise the dead, they are offering those dead people the opportunity to be taught the Word of Christ. Imagine it like when someone dies, they have never even heard of the Book Of Mormon. They were a good, honest person and as such are in Heaven. When Mormons then baptise this dead person via proxy, it’s the equivalent of having the missionaries come visit the dead person to teach them the Gospel. The dead person, still has a choice to decide if they wish to accept the teachings or not. They can very easily decide they’re happy where they are and choose not to accept these teachings.

Mormons believe that families are forever, and are reunited in the afterlife so long as they were born into Mormon families (born into the covenant) or have performed an ordination called a ‘sealing’. Families who have been sealed together will be together in the afterlife, and so this ordination is also performed for the dead.

So if you find out that a long-dead ancestor was baptised posthumously by Mormons in their Temple, this means that in the afterlife, your ancestor was taught the Word of Christ. They were taught the righteous teachings of Jesus. It’s up to them whether they accept this teachings and become part of the wonderful blessings of the Lord’s most glorious kingdom. If they choose to accept these teachings, then good for them. If they choose not to accept them, then that’s their decision.

There are certain exceptions. If the person died within the last 100 years, then the closest living relative has to give permission for these baptisms and other work to go ahead. Certain faiths have requested that Mormons do not baptise members of their faiths (the Jewish authorities have asked that the LDS church does not baptise any Holocaust victims, for example). Also, there is not (as recently described in a newspaper) a mad rush to baptise famous people as soon as their heart stops beating (it’s actually not advised to baptise famous people). Equally the current membership of the LDS Church are in no position to judge who was a good or a bad person, and as such, despite if someone did evil during their mortal lives, they will be baptised anyway and then will be judged by the Lord, who tends to take a dim view of evil, but it’s simply that the members of the LDS Church have no authority to judge who is deserving of Heaven and who is not.

So are your ancestors forced to be baptised as Mormons against their will? No, they have the same choice as you and I. Mormons just simply give them the opportunity to learn and the choice to accept or reject the Teachings of Christ.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Do Mormons practice polygamy?

Short answer: No.

Longer and more informative answer: Any members of the LDS church that are practicing polygamy are instantly excommunicated for violating both Church law and civil law. Hollywood and the anti-mormon brigade enjoy pedalling this myth as it holds a bigger shock value. Unfortunately, it’s not at all true, but of course, that doesn’t make a good story. It's better to rehash lies or bring up older doctrine that's no longer taught, and get more readers, right?

President Gordon B Hinckley stated in 1990:

“This Church has nothing whatever to do with those practicing polygamy. They are not members of this Church.... If any of our members are found to be practicing plural marriage, they are excommunicated, the most serious penalty the Church can impose. Not only are those so involved in direct violation of the civil law, they are in violation of the law of this Church.”

The thing that surprises me most as to why people keep recycling this myth, is that it is actually written in the Book Of Mormon, the book which LDS members keep most sacred, that polygamy is wrong.

Jacob 2:27-30

27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;

28 For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts.

At various times, the Lord has commanded His people to practice plural marriage. For example, He gave this command to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon in the Old Testaments, yet other denominations and religious faiths that believe in this book are not mocked and criticised in the same way. Why is that?

The answer lies in the beginning of the LDS church. We believe that the Prophet Joseph Smith was given the same instruction, as were a couple of other early saints. They, therefore, believed what they were doing was correct and required of God. In 1890, President Wilford Woodruff received a revelation that the leaders of the Church should cease teaching the practice of plural marriage.

But despite the practice being banned in the Church for over 120 years, STILL some people insist on wheeling out this issue as a basis for mockery. We do still suffer from this on a regular basis though. Partially because there are still people out there who DO practice plural marriage, and then they associate themselves with churches that use similar wording to the LDS church, or that are splinter groups of the LDS church.

One of these call themselves ‘The Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints’. Many people at a glance would ignore the prefix, and simply see ‘Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints’, and decide that means that all Mormons are into polygamy.

Do Mormons practice polygamy? No, and the Book Of Mormon makes that very clear.

Friday, 29 June 2012

What’s the difference between Mormons and Christians?

One thing that has surprised me since joining the LDS church is that some people don’t see Mormons as being Christians at all. I don’t know how they get to this conclusion, but it’s actually quite a common misunderstanding.

Mormons ARE Christians. We teach from the Old Testament and the New Testament as well as the Book Of Mormon. We believe in Christ being the Redeemer and Saviour of us all, and that through his atonement we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. I have even heard someone suggest that Mormons don’t believe in Jesus Christ, but yet surely the name of the church “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” might give it away, but obviously that’s not quite glaring enough! ;-)

The LDS church is a faith of Christianity, just like Protestants, Catholics, Methodists etc, are all separate faiths, but ultimately under the banner of Christianity.

We believe in the Book Of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ, and it foretells of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. The Book Of Mormon tells of a family who left Jerusalem around 600BC. The father of the family, Lehi (lee-hye), had been warned that Jerusalem would be destroyed and so he left with his family. Of course, Jerusalem was indeed destroyed, and was sieged several times in its turbulent history, but it was attacked and destroyed just after Lehi and his family left (2 Kings 24:10-16). They were guided by the Lord to what we now know is the American continent. They made landfall somewhere around the Columbia/Ecuador/Peru area, and along with another family they had brought with them, proceeded to settle in the land.

As the population grew, two distinct groups emerged. Lehi’s sons Nephi (nee-fye) and Sam were always very faithful to the Lord, and would teach the gospel to their families and those around them. However, the other sons Laman (lay-man) and Lemuel (lem-yu-ul) were always quick to criticise and berate their more faithful brothers. The two groups ended up separating and living in different parts of the land, calling themselves Nephites and Lamanites.

The Book of Mormon describes their history as they build civilisations, and how the iniquities and sins of man can cause suffering and chaos, whilst faith, repentance and humility brings blessings from the Lord. The two factions war frequently, and other factions split off as parts of the population become larger and more greedy, proud, and vain.

We believe in the Bible the same as other Christian faiths, but we also have another book, which we believe to be true, and as such it is treated with the same respect and reverence as Catholics treat the Old Testament.

So, what’s the difference between Mormons and Christians? Mormons are Christians, but with an extra book.

Intro please!

With the creation of this blog I hope to iron out some of the lingering questions about the Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) faith, and I might also throw in some thoughts regarding football, ice hockey, and rock bands as well.

I am in a relatively unique position, as I am able to see things from both sides of the story. I was 28 when I was baptised into the LDS church and so had a decent amount of life experience, and had a most wonderful experience being taught the articles of faith, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the lessons of the Book Of Mormon. I am the only member of the LDS church in my entire family, and so fielded a lot of questions from them, and also from my friends. I hope to answer those questions in this blog so other people who have those kind of questions might find an honest answer from someone who has lived both without any particular religion, and lived with more faith than I ever knew I could have.

I’m also happy to answer questions over email if readers would prefer to send them to me that way, rather than comment on entries.  I’m contactable at:
